Jack Frost visited last night...This morning's drive to school was serene with the grass and pastures glistening in the sunlight. You could see the frozen dew on individual blades of grass, on the rooftops, the makings of ice on the ponds. It was beautiful. Who knew this handcrafted setting could turn into a competition between an almost 5 year old and an almost 7 year old.
H: I have more frost on my side, I see frozen water.
M: No! I do!
H: You're cheating you're looking out my side of the car!
M: I am not! You're cheating!
And so it went...the entire ride to school. I was struck at how quiet my life was for 12 1/2 years. If Roo had fought with someone...it would have been a great indication that she had developed a second personality. There wasn't anyone to fight. My second journey into motherhood has brought a level of competition I am completely unprepared for...the accusations of "You love M" more than me or "You love H" more than me...depending upon whomever is not sitting in my lap at that moment.
Art, a normally quiet experience becomes a competition...M drew a picture two weeks ago...he studied a picture on the refrigerator and announced "There is an ugly picture on the refrigerator. Take it down and put this one up." (M had just "drawn" a picture for me) I looked at the refrigerator and saw the Princess driving a car...I had a sinking feeling this is the one he had targeted, I knew we were going to go toe to toe about taking H's picture down. Sure enough, the princess was the eye offending object that needed to go. I was finally able to convince M that there was enough room for both...he didn't like it (and I am still waiting to see if that picture "disappears" sometime).
Yes, motherhood is soooo much different with two children instead of one. I am kind of hoping Jack Frost stays home tonight.
You write so wonderfully! I'm lucky if I can spell my words correctly (thank goodness for spell check!!). My kids did almost the same thing yesterday with the frost. It was pretty reflecting in the morning light though!
Ain't it great?
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