My children love to be told the stories of when they were born. I am a different kind of mom, not only did I not have my children in the same decade, they weren't even born in the same century. All three were born under a Bush as president and the last two were both born in years the Patriots won the Superbowl.
Today's drive to school was accompanied by Bach. The children were asking all sorts of questions about the music and I told them it was playing when M was born. This prompted the "When I was born, when M was born and when Roo was born conversation) I don't remember too much of when Roo was actually delivered (a combined effect of 48 hours of labor and morphine) but I do remember country music was playing and they had to chase a fly out of the room before the c-section. M thinks it is a hoot that he pee'd on the doctor and H loves the part about biting the doctor. Once again, I told M that Bach was the favorite of one his doctors. M's response? "Bach Bach Chicken!"
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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