Squishy. That is how Matthew described how he felt last night.
We went out for a family dinner and Matthew turned down a hockey game to go home. I had a feeling something was out of whack.
The flu epidemic has swept the nation and our little home was left unaffected...until now. The Birthday Boy is sick. I know without the swab, it's the flu...fever, congestion, cough. I felt his forehead after he said he felt "squishy" grabbed the water and a thermometer, ascended the stairs and had my mom instinct confirmed.
I am left with the decision of take him to Urgent Care so they can confirm what I know or do what they're going to tell me to do...fluids, rest, ibuprofen. Do I go so he can have the Tamiflu, which is only 30% effective? My mom wisdom stops there. Ugh...as I listen to him cough, I am thinking of spraying him with Lysol...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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