Resolution is such a beautiful thing.
Yesterday, Hannah was dreading going to the Rink for fear of running into her ex-boyfriend and the crazy stalker. She held her head high and did what she had to do. She had a lovely talk with her ex-boyfriend, established they will remain friends, confirmed the leak (allow me to say "I told you" right here) and the obsessed teammate stayed away from her. It was a good night and a positive lesson to always speak to the person when there is a mis-understanding. I learned a lesson in conflict resolution from my wee one.
My next prayer for my daughter is to stop defending the friend who spoke out of turn and lied to Hannah and me in my house, swearing she didn't say anything...and sat there when I asked her brother if he did....not a word came from her mouth. Not a single "Ooops, that's my fault" or "My bad" did she speak. She just sat there like an innocent when I questioned Matthew like the scariest and yet most gentle speaking anti-terrorist interrogator imaginable. I kindly discussed the importance of keeping a confidence and all the drama that came from breaking a confidence. How this whole situation could have been avoided and a friendship could have been maintained. I spoke these words knowing very well the real person I wanted to hear these words was sitting right across from me. I was kind, firm, and coaxing with my gut instinct on full alert. And not a word did she speak. She sat there willing to let someone else take the blame for her actions. She was astounded that someone told the boy. And yet she knew full well, Hannah had a plan in place out of respect for the boy's love of soccer to talk to him that evening..and still, this "friend"... inserted herself into a situation she had no place to be. A simple, "Call her if you think something is wrong" response was all that was required when he asked.
Which brings me to the next question that I raised to Hannah, why is this girl still talking to the ex-boyfriend and his best friend? She hasn't even met them, she wouldn't even know them except through Hannah, why is this "friend" showing more loyalty to the boys than her? Why was this friend willing to let Matthew take the blame? And still Hannah defends her...
I have so much to learn from my beautiful daughter and so much to teach her.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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