My weakest personality trait is conflict resolution. I really stink at it. This past year, God has been giving me multiple opportunities to excel in this area. Basically, I just want to hide under a rock until it all goes away. I am getting better. Last week I sucked up all my courage to tell a boy with great potential to become a date rapist to never bother my daughter again in any way, shape, or form. (My hands shook after I did it...I have so much work to do in this area) Afterwards, he began plotting filing a complaint against me with the hockey office...fortunately, one of the hockey players displayed more allegiance to Hannah than him and sent her the screenshot of this conniving young boy's plan. Have I mentioned how many opportunities God is giving me to improve my conflict resolution skills?
However, my daughters are much better at facing their problems head on. I am in awe of their ability to deal with the sticky situations in life. H had a better way in dealing with the boy's unwanted attention for the past year. His behavior actually had Greg and me discussing a restraining order...for a 14 year old (a very large sized 14 year old) who wouldn't take no for an answer. Last week, Hannah sat down and emailed his parents in a very articulate manner and included screenshots to prove her allegations were true. All I can say is "Well done, Hannah. Well done."
I am taking life tips from my daughters on conflict resolution. I have so much to learn.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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