Once every four years this day comes along...it seems like there should be some type of celebration for this day. But no...it's just another day. It is very anti-climactic.
For me, today was just another get the kids out the door to school, go to yoga, pick up a prescription for Hannah, go to the grocery store, have tomato soup for lunch kind of day. Oh, I did manage to eat a hand full of Peanut M&Ms and wash a few loads of laundry. Nothing out of the ordinary, I wish I felt inspired to celebrate this leap year day with some fanfare. My mind is blank...the crock pot is cooking dinner, Hannah has a game tonight...it's just another day. When it comes around again...Hannah will be 18. Wow...now there's a sobering thought...time goes too fast. I better start planning now how to celebrate February 29 in 4 years. Hannah loves food so it will have to be Italian or Chinese since Cinco de Mayo celebrates with tacos and enchiladas. If I start now, it will be spectacular!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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