Saturday morning prayer is probably one of my favorite things I do each week. I am extremely selfish and praying over the cards helps pull me back to reality. The world doesn't revolve around me. Shocking, I know.
I have noticed the prayer cards I get each week seem to have a theme to them. Last week it was interceding for those facing divorces and financial difficulties (Connection? I think so). Today was tobacco addiction and infertility. I haven't faced a tobacco addiction but boy, could I empathize with the other subjects. My heart melts at these requests. The pain for these requests must feel so overwhelming. I get so busy trying to get my list of to-dos done each day. Stopping to pray for others helps me slow down in the other places. I don't know the burden of the person I am wishing would get moving and stop slowing me getting my "to-do" list completed. Intercessory prayer helps anchor me to be kind and smile at the person holding up the line instead of judging them for exceeding the 10 items or less by a 100. I have no idea of the difficulties they are or their loved ones are facing.
I hope I never take for granted how abundantly I am blessed. I look forward to the day that I am nice all the time. I don't ever want to stop praying for others but I really do want to be kind, gentle, peaceful, joyful, patient, self-controlled...I am not sure I am ever going to get there. I pray I do. In the meantime, I look forward to the next Saturday morning prayer. I wonder what kind prayer cards I will get...I hope some of them will be cards of thanksgiving for answered prayers. My heart will sing...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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