H had a big day yesterday (this was her pronouncement of the day). She got her haircut and lost a top front tooth (with a little help from Big Sister). She is one happy little girl. The tooth fairy came and left her a dollar (I still haven't put away a whistle for the tooth fairy to deliver, gotta do that for the next tooth). A friend once suggested a "Get out of trouble" pass. I am going to save that one for her little brother. He'll need it.
Yesterday, M got his little hands on the camera. He began taking pictures...I told him to stop (I was in another room and could see the flashes) and he informed me that was not the camera's flash but lightning. This is a tough spot for me, I need to discipline for the lying but I want to crack up laughing at his imagination.
I am also attaching a picture of what I saw when I looked up from the book I was reading...a little snorkeler.
Welcome to my life.
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