This morning I read my friend's blog about her bike ride and flat tire over the weekend. It reminded me of when I was a teenager and had my first flat...
One summer day, my brother, a friend of his, and I took off for the beach in Santa Monica. Upon arriving at the beach, we discovered my car had a flat. (This is in the days of phone booths, cell phones? Probably not even thought of yet) I called my dad and he told us to find a gas station to come change it (Boy, this story is really dated...gas stations with service, unheard of now). My brother and his friend stayed at the beach, doing whatever it is that teenage boys do...while this girl walked to find a service station, found one, found a guy willing to come change my flat, got into the car (praying under my breath for safety the whole time since I was getting into a vehicle with a stranger 80 miles from home...) and returned to the car, where the young man changed it...for free. My brother's adventures on the beach never being disturbed at all. Is anyone else seeing something wrong with this picture besides me? Shouldn't he and his friend been changing the tire? Hoofing it around and riding in vehicles with strangers or is it just me?
The next day, my dad drove over and stood over me while he instructed me on how to change a tire...He thought it funny the neighbors would think him lazy while making his daughter change a tire. I appreciate the lesson and fortunately, have never had to use the skill again...but here is my question...Why didn't my brother have to learn how to change the tire too?
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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