The previous post has two pictures, one of the Test Pilot School wives Class of 93A in modern (for 1993) clothing and a 1950s Black and White photo. Roy and Helen were the class mascots (of sorts). Our welcome to Test Pilot School included an old movie that was actually used to welcome the early Test Pilot School...very Leave it to Beaver-like. Helen made pies while Roy was a diligent student at Test Pilot School. I tried to find a copy on YouTube...I guess no one has thought to upload it or Roy and Helen's movie has turned to Ash. Sigh.
Someone had the great idea to turn us into Helens...hence, the black and white photo. There was some joke about oranges, in fact, my friend, Karen, framed her picture with stamped oranges on the mat with our signatures. That joke eludes me now with the passing of time, i.e. age. You will see a very pregnant, Diana, she was mentioned in the previous life long friends Karen and Dee Dee...funny little memories of toga parties, 50s parties complete with hula hoops, gliding in Tehachapi, impromptu jump roping with the kids in the afternoon, 7 p.m. meet in the street walking buddies (looked more like a parade with dogs and strollers), lots of pool time in the summer, watching the countdown sign at the end of street, picnics and Beergharitas, and this was life for one year on Sharon Drive.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
1 comment:
Long live Roy and Helen! They should have preserved that house on Sharon Drive!
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