Conversations with my children are odd, humorous, and today...sweet. Our best conversations happen while driving in the car and I tell myself "Don't forget this, don't forget this!" I forget. (I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that is pre-8 a.m. and I am not a morning person) Today, I remember our conversation! (And I think it has to do with the fact that this is in the afternoon...3 p.m.)
First up, Miss H.
H: Mom, they're selling flowers for $4 and I have $4. Can I take it to school so I can get you a flower for Mother's Day?
Me: (Bear in mind my response has a lot to do with the fact that I have no idea what to do with an 18" tissue paper flower) That is very sweet but why don't you use your money to get an ice cream from the popsicle man when he comes by this weekend. I would rather you get an ice cream.
H: I want to get the flower, Mother's Day is more important than ice cream. (I love being a mom)
Now for Mr. M.
(This conversation took place after M heard me make an appointment for a pedicure)
M: Was that the makeup lady?
Me: Yes. (I am too lazy to try and explain haircut/spa/pedicure kind of place)
M: Is that why you look so beautiful all the time. (This is a keeper...I am 47, I am pretty sure as he grows, he will not be describing me as beautiful, but as wrinkled)
Yep, conversations in the car are pretty special.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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