M speaking to his sister:
"I got to talk to a real policeman at Jason's and he didn't shoot me."
Yep, this is what I heard on this morning's drive to school. Odd, since this actually happened months ago...like in January. It cracks me up how things just pop out of my children's mouths. M has been fascinated with police, firemen, and farmers for a long time. Speaking to a police officer obviously made quite the impression on him.
My children's mouths remind me of the old popcorn poppers, things just come flying out when you least expect it. I will hear stories about when we lived in Virginia or when they were born. The story is told from a first hand account. Never mind the fact they were too little to remember or had just exited the womb. H is very proud of how she bit the doctor, not once but twice. M is never tired of telling me how he pee'd on the doctor. Yes, darlin', I kind of remembered that...watching that finally clued me in to why there are all those cherub baby water fountains...it looked just like that. Obviously, someone watched their child's stream and decided to re-enact it for the whole world to enjoy in the beauty of someone's garden or patio.
What I really need is a videocamera on at all times. Last night, M was telling me about his trip to the Botanical Garden. His face was completely animated and one eye would close giving him a Popeye countenance and his upper lip had this little curl to it. I was enthralled watching him tell me about his day...yet, the very back of my brain was thinking "Why don't I have something to record this because this is never going to happen again!" I will have to get him to tell me the story again just like I had to when he built his guitar...I hope I get the curling lip and the one-eyed squint...before I forget.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
What I'd like to know is, where do all those precious moments go when they are teenagers? Eat it up while you can!!!!!
So true!
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