Yesterday, the Stay at Home Wenches took their little Biblically named children to the pool for an afternoon of fun in frigid water...hey, they asked for it. The rain was kind enough to stay away and boy, did we have an interesting afternoon filled with not so delightful characters (more on that later).
After a few hours at the pool, it was time to take my little people to swim class. I was sure H and M would fall asleep. Imagine my surprise when H swam lap after lap after lap for 45 minutes. The Advanced Beginner Class had to be tested to swim one lap of the pool. My little mermaid would accompany each swimmer for their lap. She would swim next to them and shortly before getting to the end of the lap, leave the swimmer in the dust...and when the other swimmer would pop out of the pool, she would turn around and swim back. Where does she get all that energy?
Today, we will be going back to the neighborhood pool...a place where the Little Mermaid is happiest.
Did I mention that when my little mermaid started swim class, she had to be soothed and consoled because she would cry and cry and scream "Mommy" in a way that would break any mother's heart within hearing range? (This mommy had to have an internal debate...is it cruel to continue with the swim class or wise since our neighborhood has a swimming pool and this is a safety issue? I went with safety and now I have my own little Darryl Hannah, how appropriate)
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