I have 3 minutes to add something new to my blog...2 minutes 30 seconds if you subtract tea sipping time.
It is a crazy week. My house looks like a toy factory/sandbox exploded in it. It is the last week of school, a party for H, a party for M, dance lessons, swim lessons, dentist appointments (I scheduled this 6 months ago thinking the last week of school was next week, silly me.) Recital on Saturday, dress rehearsal on Friday, the weekend had class to teach the finale dance...blah blah blah.
I need to remember there is a grad Open House before the recital, I need to remember to get a gift, the old standard Starbucks Card is out since the girl works at Starbucks. Barnes and Noble moved so it is out of my normal radius...what to do?
Oops! Time's up. Happy Crazy May to you.
PS The sand in my house is from the neighbor's new sandbox that my kids love...it just sticks to my floor like glue...I was told by a different neighbor they used the wrong sand...explaining why I have cement looking footprints in addition to the grains of sand.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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