This is luxurious...I am home alone...absolute quiet. What a great day, a little trip to Starbucks (gift card courtesy of a fabulous friend) and I ran into two friends. It was a double treat, tea AND friends. I dropped off my 80's wedding dress to the Thrift Shop...My eldest looked down her nose at the thought of such a hideous dress and my youngest, I think is going to be too tall. Just to assure you that my snobby daughter isn't too snobby I will have to come back and insert a picture of the dated dress...(my computer with all the pics is on the sick side...this is bad since I already uploaded my Xmas pics and deleted the camera's card, oops.) I am using my daughter's laptop...and this is fun since it is a laptop and I can pretend I am Queen and put my feet up while patrolling the internet. What was I talking about...oh yes, my wonderful day. After dropping off my past at the Thrift Shop, I headed to Barnes and Noble to spend another gift card from another wonderful friend. I love it when my wallet is full of gift cards. I digress again. I found a book written by Stephen Ambrose. The "Pigeon" books were depleted so I guess I will have to back to Barnes and Noble on another day. That just breaks my heart...not.
Now I have a tough decision...after rotating the laundry and putting the clean sheets on my bed, do I watch Band of Brothers part 6 or read my new book? Decisions decisions.
Now I have a tough decision...after rotating the laundry and putting the clean sheets on my bed, do I watch Band of Brothers part 6 or read my new book? Decisions decisions.
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