Friday, June 19, 2015

Still Busy

M is off at Police Camp this week, H helped with Figure Skating Camp as a Teacher's Assistant, M helped the Basic Skills Hockey Class as a helper (he is too young to be a TA and earn ice time credit but I figure God gave him his love for hockey so he can share it with others Pro Bono), throw in a few skating lessons, and you pretty much have our week covered. Tomorrow, H has a Hip Hop Workshop and she starts a sort of skating camp on Monday (those new skates arrived just in time for her serious skating hours) and M has Chess Camp on Monday.

I'm trying to think of something witty to write but my brain is a fuzz. Perhaps, I should have more tea and kick the brain cells up a notch....I have 4 boxes left to unpack, some grocery shopping to do...

Whatever happened to the lazy days of Summer?

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