Today's lesson is another one in communication. Yesterday I read something wrong and didn't ask what was meant (boy, did that blow up in my face.) Today I didn't hear correctly. I was on the phone when the neighbor girl Miss E came into tell on M. I sent M to his room for a timeout and set the timer for five minutes. When M came downstairs he asked if he had to ask forgiveness. I said "Yes, you kicked her." M replied "I KISSED her!" Oops. You know I should have wondered how his little leg could have reached her cheek. Today's lesson, listen carefully and ask questions...prevent miscommunication. Perhaps I should just put myself in a timeout, that would be 47 minutes for me since I am 47 years old. (Can I read a book?)
I would love a 47 minute timeout...I could sneak in a little catnap. What is Matthew doing kissing other girls, anyway?! Little Playa!
That is what Roo said! (And I quote "I'm gonna tell Rachel!")
Lisa, aren't we supposed to go out get arrested so we can get some uninterrupted sleep and tv time?
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