Monday, June 23, 2014

The Protective Little Brother

I found this post on a blog I started back in 2008. I had completely forgotten about this incident. It still makes me laugh. Here it is: 

So tonight, Emily comes to the door...Emily is the little girl across the street who is big enough to take me down...she has decided to tell on H for telling her she can't play at our house.  Miss E would like to play on our playset but H isn't going for it. Now H has a very legitimate reason to not want to play with E, E hit H with a hula hoop and cut her lip, cheek and chin, it is quite swollen and no apology was given, no sign of contrition.  I am now the referee...I stand there with many thoughts racing through my much can I say to this little girl without causing conflict with the neighbors because we are to love our neighbors? How can I keep peace and yet protect my daughter?

My mouth told E to go home and told H and M to come inside. This did not please H because H started crying and saying I didn't care about her.  (It took me a minute but I finally figured out she wanted me to let E have it and have it good) So, while I am trying to persuade my crying daughter that I love her and I am upset that she was hurt by E, my little guy took matters into his own hands.

The little brother chased Emily down and let her know she wasn't welcome at our house and to NOT come back. I am not sure what the oversize E said (she is at least twice his size and yet only a year older) BUT I did get to see him turn to her and blow a big rasberry. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. I composed myself and let E know that maybe she shouldn't come over for awhile.

I am still trying to figure out how to handle the bully, Miss Emily, but maybe I don't have to...I think Little Brother has it covered.

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