Last week during Christmas Break, H had her friend over for a little sleepover. H asked to use the computer to show her friend a dance move called "The Lean" on YouTube and I said sure...Greg called his mom, the kids were quiet, I was watching something or other on TV and then there was this HORRENDOUS scream from Matthew. It was one of those screams that made me fear massive amounts of blood and possibly exposed organs or bones...but my mind could not wrap around how he could get so hurt in the office. M came running out of the office and no blood, no cuts, no gore, then the girls emerge unscathed. Matthew is clinging to me and Greg is bellowing about the noise, lack of blood, etc while he is on the phone. And to be honest, I'm a little miffed about the chaos. So, I decide it's bedtime. I go upstairs and M is still clinging to me and G is still bellowing at H. I am in the bathroom about to brush my teeth and I realize M is shaking and is truly petrified. I put down my toothbrush and console the little guy trying to find out what happened...
It turns out the friend's older brother had shown her some scary game website and she decided to show it to my little people. All was well as they worked their way through a maze but at the end some scary picture popped up...and terrified my little people. I tell Greg to go check the history and see what they looked at...let's just say it was an image that I am not inclined to go peek at after Greg assured me it was really really bad.
M's plan to sleep with the girls in the living room is abandoned and he is going to share my bed...still shaking. A little while later, a tearful H appears in my room to apologize to M and she is pretty rattled also. Thirty minutes later, she reappears with her pillow, blanket, her favorite stuffed animal, Marley, and quite a few tears. She is sleeping with me. I asked about Emily. She said Emily went home since she wanted to cry but was too embarrassed to cry in front of H, H had no problems crying in front of her friend, Emily.
Anyway, I ended up with 2 kids in my bed and a cat under my bed. The sleepover turned out to be in my room...with two night lights.
PS, I forgot this part...On New Year's Eve, I found the office door closed and locked. I asked Matthew if he did this, he said yes, apparently, he shut the door and locked it because the computer was in there, the source of the scare...9 year old logic, gotta love it.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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