I haven't written for a while and today I realized why...My house is chaotic. We just got home from Church and the two smallest are fighting, the oldest is trying to get out of the chores she is supposed to do once a week, the husband's bass voice is echoing through the house and I can't think...and if the bass voice isn't here, the air hogs, the constant jumping, battling, etc. is here.
Today, I thought I would write but my mind couldn't form a coherent thought to save my life, Mrs. Jones, my 7th grade teacher would be so ashamed. Mrs. Jones always gave us a topic every day and we had to write...okay, a nerf gun was just fired and the "bullet" just whizzed by my ear...there went the vacuum. Husband enters office and uses the paper shredder, those things are noisy. Where was I? Oh, yes, Mrs. Jones...I thought I would try this approach and I googled "journal prompts" and what do you know...there are a slew of sites. I chose the first one and selected March, it is March after all. Topics: How I learned about sex. WHAT??? Yeah, I am going to write about this in a blog that my aunt reads and my daughter reads and a few people from church...How does this tie into March, anyway? Is it because it is almost spring and farm animals are giving birth?
So, for the crazy person that thought I should write about how I learned about sex, there are three answers...When I asked my mom she told me married people mate, my dad gave me a set of books called the "Life Cycle" and the way I really learned about sex...friends...just like everyone else.
Pictured above the author...thrilling, ain't it?
It's nice to know we're not the only ones living a chaotic life with 3 kids! I want to scream during those moments, but instead I give a really loud & fake laugh. The chaos will stop momentarily as they all stare at you. Yes, I'm nuts...
Nuts but lovable.
Mrs. Jones...I remember her. Big, bufont reddish hair with a wicked talent for writing. I remember I was always a bit apprehensive about handing a paper in because that gruff voice might call me out in front of class. I wasn't very confident in my writing skills...of course, what are we really confident of in Jr high????
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