This time of year is so bittersweet for me...It is the beginning of Spring and new beginnings, the beauty of God's Creation, the death and resurrection of our glorious Savior and the sad loss of a friend seven years ago. Rick has been on my mind this past week. He died on Good Friday seven years ago.
I met Rick and his wife, Diana, when my husband went to Test Pilot School at Edwards. Diana was pregnant with twins and Rick was a student in my husband's class. Rick was often seen tinkering on his Corvette or cruising his baby down Sharon Drive. (and by baby, I mean the car). Rick had a certain style all his own...Who else would wear a tie and combat boots with a toga (yep, I'm talking military officers here and not a fraternity). Who else would have the nerve to push me in the pool? Ha, got him back...along with his wallet...I do believe he is the only person I have ever pushed into a pool.
The Class had a "field trip" for two weeks and Rick stayed home since Diana was due with the twins. He had the luxury of spending two glorious weeks with a group of TDY widows. We kept him busy drinking Masucci "Beer-garitas" and hanging out at the pool with the women. (See picture to understand how much he hated this...his wife, Diana took the picture...they both had such a great sense of humor!)
A few years later, Diana passed away from breast cancer and Rick had four boys to raise. He ended up in Ohio with us and not long afterwards was diagnosed with leukemia. He had the best attitude. I went to see him in the hospital and he told me "the body is weak, the spirit is strong." There was no bitterness at God for being sick, for having lost his wife or for having four young boys to raise on his own.
Rick met Susie while working in FL. As soon as Susie heard Rick was sick, she took leave and came to Ohio. She was a blessing. They were married a few months later and spent a wonderful year together before he passed away. I will never hear The Dance or I Hope You Dance without thinking of the love these two shared together. They enjoyed every second together laughing or slow dancing. They didn't waste a minute of life.
Good Friday is coming and it is bittersweet, it is all about death and new life.
I had to wipe away tears while I read that...I'm sure they both felt so blessed to have you as a friend as well! (((HUGS)))
Oh, Suzy.
The wind just got knocked out of me. Again.
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