Fluttering hearts...Or should I say, fluttering tummies...did anyone else feel this way when they had their first crush? I was thinking today about being in school and having a big crush on the cute guy in school...It was the end of 7th grade and I should have been in my science class but for some reason I was out in the hall...my girlfriend, Cindy, pointed out her new boyfriend and next to him was the cutest guy I had ever seen (they weren't in class either, hmmm). That summer, the crush continued...I remember sitting on the cold tile of my bedroom floor on one hot afternoon, listening to music and drawing a heart around his yearbook picture. The next year in eighth grade we had assigned seats and I was put at the table across from him, everyday I would come to class I would get butterflies...the great big Monarch kind that just took over the whole mid-section of the body. One day, he asked me how to spell something, I am surprised anything actually came out of my mouth, come to think of it...I think I wrote it on a piece of paper for him, I was that tongue-tied. I attended the school Christmas Dance that year with some friends and was so excited he was there...I almost dropped on the spot when he asked me to dance. I think that was my favorite dance ever...just one wonderful slow dance but it was enough to keep my heart flying over Christmas Break. I have always wondered how he figured out I liked him...I am sure he knew from someone/somehow...was it my Piute Mafia girlfriends? (Those girls kind of ran the school) Did he see the doodling on my Pee Chee folder with our initials and a heart drawn around them...Was I stupid enough to take the doodled folder to class where he could read his initials from across the table? I know he had to know I liked him because not long after Christmas Break, he called out of the blue and asked me to go steady...Talk about butterflies...hearing his voice on the other end of the phone was what young girls dream about...
Do kids still feel that way today, do tongues get tied? Do butterflies swirl? Do hearts still skip a beat when the phone rings and the object of affection is on the other end of the phone? Teenagers looks so much more sophisticated with their cell phones and laptops but does the fear of rejection terrify them as much as it did me? How different is falling in love today from 30 years ago?
break ups are harder these days- period. You should know that :P and it's hard for hearts to skip when they see on caller id who's calling. It takes the mystery out of it. Dating these days just sucks.
I don't know about break-ups being harder... I can say the internet doesn't help the situation AT ALL. I would stay up until 3 am waiting to see if the ex would jump online so I could chat with her. Definitely not healthy.
Break ups are hard period...it doesn't matter what age or what century...a broken heart is a broken heart...Now, 30 years ago, I used my bike to bump into the crush instead of waiting up to 3 a.m. to see of the person would mysteriously appear...at least on a bike, you got some exercise :-)
I don't think the feelings and flutters change just because of technology. However, I do would have found caller ID an invaluable tool to tell me when an unwanted admirer was calling. Blech!
Breaking up is still breaking up. Pain, hurt, tears. That NEVER changes.
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