Little did the crazy people who set up my blog account know what foreshadowing lay ahead in the penguin area....
Last week, M came in while I was blogging and was very excited to see my profile picture, the Macaroni Penguin. Tuesday, we were going to the Aquarium and my daughter wanted to spike his hair (he has fought hair spiking ever since his conservative father told him he looked silly...not even telling him he could be like his "best buddy" Samuel L would convince him to have his hair spiked!) I tried a new approach, "You can look like a Macaroni Penguin! And, it worked! Hair on M is now spiked, he looks dashing.
We went to the Aquarium and hit the River Journey first...M begins asking when we could go see the Macaroni Penguins...Let's look at the otters, okay...works for a little while since I named them H and M. M would ask "Where's M?" He would be amused by their antics...we moved on...here comes the "When are we going to see the penguins?" I would explain we needed to see the river and then the ocean journey...M would look at me blankly and say "Where are the penguins?" Half way through the river journey, we gave up. We ate some lunch and went directly to the Ocean Journey. The first stop was the petting area for sting rays and sharks...Not interested..."When are we going to the penguins?" Next stop, butterflies...okay...for awhile..."When can we see the penguins?" Movin' on. Penguins. One happy boy. Even had to get a macaroni penguin souvenir.
Let me tell you, Samuel L.'s daddy hates when I spike his hair! What wrong with that?
It's the military in them :-)
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