Saturday, March 19, 2016

Concert Time

Hannah's First Concert, Fall Out Boy. She expressed her desire to see them last Fall. Her friend texted her to let her know they were playing in Birmingham and so it was one of her Christmas presents. March 17 rolled around and it was time for H to experience her first concert. The BJCC has a rule anyone under 18 has to be with an I got to see the Concert also.

I was a bit of a fish out of water...I did not get the black goth attire memo...H dressed in black and white but was anything but goth or as they call it now, "Emo." I switched the photo to black and white and now no one will know I was wearing the green, rocking the Shamrock...I can honestly admit to being the only one in the Arena wearing floral. Yep, that's me, always out of sync.

The No Smoking Rules that have been implemented enhanced my concert experience. I braced myself for the smell of pot and packed my asthma inhaler and happily, I did not need it. My first concert experience was The Beach Boys and the only thing I remember was the smell of pot and being shocked Beach Boy fans were smoking the illegal substance in public. Yep, I was a goodie two shoes. I guess I still am because as I looked around at all the torn black stockings with super short shorts and facial hardware, I thought "Yep, I will fit in much better at Hillsong next month."

I discovered the style of drummers is shirtless...I'm sure it was cool when the first drummer did this but after the first band did it, the next drummer just looked like he was jumping on the band wagon. (Which is unfortunate for the headlining drummer to look like he is copying the warm up band's drummer. Lesson different...wear a shirt or at least a tie to go with all the tattoos that replace your shirt. I'd recommend a nice zebra tie.)

And to all the "Emo Teens,  something is lost in your rebel garb and attitude when your parent is at your side...Just sayin'

Hannah looked so cute in her white shorts, converses, and swishy ponytail. Love this Girl!

I really liked this Group from Lowell, MA. I have no idea how to pronounce the looks like Paris with an inverted "A" to me. Funny how the mind just fills in the missing information!

And this, my friends, is Hannah's first concert experience.

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