I still haven't made peace with social media...there are good things like keeping up with friends' lives without having to coordinate a good time to call (juggling the time zone and what the person is actually doing with what I am doing requires finesse). There are bad things like Facebook knowing all about you so it can target its ads to you based on what you have been writing in what you thought were private messages...and then there are the annoying posts of memes and the rude people who feel free to dump their uncontrolled thoughts all over your page...and then there is the blocking and unfriending...this is beginning to look like a case for staying off Social Media which is not the direction I meant to go...I'll jump back on track here...then there are the melt your heart things you find on Social Media that makes the negative fade to the background...like this:
Roo posted this on my birthday. I think it is my favorite picture of us. This was taken back in the days when she was an only child and I homeschooled her. We took several road trips to Boston, DC, and this one to Baltimore. Her speed through the Aquarium amazed me. Who sees an aquarium in 40 minutes...however, now that I know of her love for The Cheesecake Factory. I know exactly why that was a world speed record for Aquarium viewing...The Cheesecake Factory was our dinner destination. This picture is funny because it was taken by my friend's 6 year old. I digress...again...Lauren's words are so sweet on this post. We seldom tell people the good stuff, it is so much easier to write it. This was the best birthday present. No need for spending an elaborate amount of money, just a few words, and I am blessed abundantly.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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