I'm It!
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1) Reading a book from start to finish in one sitting
2) Seeing my kids grow up
3) My next shipment of Mighty Leaf Organic Breakfast Tea
4) Spending time at the pool with a few wenches this summer
5) My headache going away
6) Maybe going to Disney World for my children's fall break
7) Working out to Killer Kelly's class so I can complain the rest of the day
8) Breakfast with the wenches
8 Things I did yesterday (this could be hard)
1) Woke up
2) Made breakfast and fed my children
3) Drove children to school
4) Went to the Nursery and bought some flowers
5) Worked out at the gym
6) Rewarded myself with tea at Starbucks
7) Picked up Matthew from School
8) Planted new flowers and moved some established flowers to the new garden
---Hold on a second...It is only 12 p.m. I have 10 more hours before I go to bed...doesn't anyone care about the more than 8 things I did???
8 Things I wish I could do
1) Live on the beach- I could listen to the pounding waves whenever I wanted to
2) The ability to have rain with the snap of a finger- listening to rain is super relaxing...especially with a nice cup of tea and a good book.
3) Go to Maui...I miss Hawaii
4) Go to Tuscany for at least a month and then visit the rest of Europe
5) Go back to Boston and re-visit all the historical sites
6) Read without getting interrupted
7) Read without falling asleep because I am exhausted
8) Have an endless supply of Mighty Leaf Organic Breakfast Tea
8 Shows I watch on TV
1) Friday Night Lights (my absolute favorite)
2) Damages (It's awesome, you can't figure it out like the rest television shows)
3) The Closer (Lt Provenza cracks me up)
4) Samantha Who? (Cracks me up)
5) The Office
6) Gossip Girl (Quippy dialogue...I miss Gilmore Girls)
7) American Idol
8) Brothers and Sisters or Grey's Anatomy (depending on the quality of writing at that moment in time)
8 People I tag...
Can't tag 8, not even 1, since my daughter has already tagged anyone I know who blogs...and I don't even know a total of 8 bloggers if she hadn't.
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