Today I got my first complaint from one of my three followers (it's actually kind of nice to know someone is actually reading this!) I was told by D.D. to "Update my blog." Basically, I got a Blog Flog. Of course, I took it as she missed my writings but maybe she is just wanting me to change my background...I'm leaving the background and explaining why I haven't written.
My big idea for my next blog was to write about the delight I get in embarrassing my daughter...for this brilliant entry, I needed the video I took last Sunday while driving home from our excursion to Atlanta. My daughter who owns the camera that I used to video won't cough it up. I will have to recreate the moment for you with my limited vocabulary.
Here goes: Somewhere after entering I65 North, a little car with two young men sailed past waving...Of course, it wasn't hard for my Little Ones and me to figure out the boys were flirting with my daughter. There was a blown kiss, a piece of scratch paper with their phone number, etc. etc. I told her to videotape them for blog material (she writes a more exciting blog than I do and this would be great "Not me, Monday" stuff!) Roo's video was very subtle so I hijacked the camera and pulled right up and let them know "Yes, I got you on film." Imagine my surprise, when he pulled out his camera and put me on film. Funny stuff. Sometimes, I don't have the brightest ideas...A few years ago, I was pregnant with Matthew and some boys waved at Roo. I figured I would scare them off and wave back...Oops, this only encouraged the flirters on Southbound I95. I didn't think we would ever shake those two...of course, had they followed us off the interstate (I was able to get behind them and exit REALLY fast), I think they would have ran when they realized they were dealing with a 42 year old, 6 month pregnant woman...And this is how I embarrass my daughter...She spends lots of time slinking down in her seat as close to the floor as possible while remaining in her seat belt...Especially when I practice my dance moves while driving.
I love embarrassing her. I think I may need to get out more.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
Please, oh PLEASE let me go with when you embarrass her!! Please?
I'm getting some great tips from you. I can't wait until Rachel is a teenager...and here I was dreading those years. Now I have something to look forward to.
Especially since you look like Jennifer Aniston, you'll have boys surrounding your car!
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