Technology is the devil's tool. Period. I've been spending hours and hours trying to register my kids and I can't submit their registrations without their transcripts...but I don't have their transcripts. Isn't that the job of the School's Registrar? Get the transcripts so I don't submit false ones? My kids are in limbo. School-less.
Therefore, I am frustrated.
I also hate technology because I see our culture imploding from social media. The hateful things that people write without respect for the person they just wrote a disparaging remark about...or families who sit at a table partaking in food with their faces buried in their phone. I was taught in my literature class that meal scenes in books are's the making or breaking of an important relationship. Pay attention to the meal scene when analyzing a book. Now phones do that...relationships are created through Snapchat or Intstagram...and those relationships are broken through Social Media by blocking or unfollowing...they are also broken through a text. No face to face, no body language, no inflection of voice...just words.
I am trying to teach my children to be respectful human beings and technology is making it really hard.
Therefore, I am frustrated.
Is it too late to turn back the clock to dial phones, stamped envelopes, and face to face relationships?
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago