Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dog Days of Summer

This Mama Dog has been busy getting her pups from place to place...mostly the Rink and the Gym.  M has started training with the AAA hockey team (that team is way out of our budget unless we want to live in a cardboard box under the I565) but he can train with them...which is a good thing. There were not enough players for the 12U team to have a AA team...barely enough for one team to play U12.  Most of the players on his team are upcoming U10 players so...they will be playing A tournaments. The extra ice and off ice time will (hopefully) keep his skills from regressing. He loves playing with the older boys so it's a win/win.

H and I are still doing our workout at the local gym. It isn't quite as entertaining as when M was doing it with us...He would lap me and mock me...all I can say is he better lap me...I'm 42 years older than him.

Roo had a birthday. She chose a Japanese Steak House and M liked it so much, he has requested to go there for his birthday. I gained 2 1/2 pounds from this fete of fat and flames so I will have to workout harder now to be ready for his birthday next Winter.

M earned a Lego set and put his mad engineering skills to use immediately upon arriving home.

The Fourth of July has become a holiday that I prefer staying home for...heat, humidity, and port-potties are just not that appealing to me now that I am the downhill side of life...the kids still love it and fortunately for them, they have a big sister that can drive them to the celebration.They had a delightful time. There are days when I miss life in the on the the desert, you can sit outside and not sweat to death and be eaten alive by mosquitoes.

This week M has hockey camp and H is a teacher assistant for the figure skating school's camp. Soooo....more Rink time for me...which is good because it is hot and I am already eagerly anticipating Fall...not a big fan of Summer...

I have pictures but my phone and computer are not talking. I'll try again later.

M at UAH working out with the AAA team

This is the workout H and me did on Tuesday at our gym

The H take on red, white, and lips, blue eyeliner, white shirt

Birthday Celebration

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