Not much new around here...we're winding the school year down and getting our ducks in a row for the upcoming school year. Hannah has turned in her registration...Matthew is testing today for placement...I'm so sad. This is the last year I will have a child in elementary school. Both kids are moving up to higher learning. M starts Junior High and H will begin High School. Worst of all, H will be eligible to get her learner's permit for driving. Excuse me while I grab a tissue to dab my tears. I'm not ready for this.
H will be a fabulous driver. I have no worries about her...I fear the other drivers on the road. The ones texting or chatting on their mobile while speeding down the road. Hannah driving will be a good thing and a sad thing. I will miss our chats while driving her about town. She is my talker. (Lauren once rode with me from Dayton to Boston and only spoke if she was hungry. I spent the entire drive through PA wondering what she was daydreaming about...and if you have never driven the West to East length of PA, it is a LONG drive.) I will miss Hannah telling me about her day/boy troubles/ and yes, even telling the Divergent plot line for the millionth time.
Matthew is almost as tall as me now...I give him a year before he will be looking down on me. I miss the days of hugging him before school with my chin rested on the top of his head. We are almost nose to nose now.
Both of the kids want to go to Aviation Challenge this Summer. Matthew has been saving his allowance. He is a good saver. I think I mentioned he saved for his PlayStation 4...once that was purchased, he started saving for Aviation Challenge. He has $40 so far. I hate to break it to him that he has $960 left to go. It is hard explaining that this Camp is simply out of our budget if he wants to play hockey. He has travel tryouts coming up...The cost of the pre-tryout clinics and the cost of being on the travel team has taken up the kids' extracurricular budget. I have a prayer request in with God for a magical $3000 to cover the Camps. I am really not expecting it though. I have no doubt God could drop it from heaven but I also know that He wants us to be content with what we have. And there is no doubt that we are a very blessed family. We are healthy. We have a roof over our head. He have food on our table. Really, that is all we need. So, if the money comes through for Camp, YAY!!! If it doesn't, we will just hang out at the neighborhood pool. Win/Win.
That's about all for now. Tonight is another night at the Rink. Surprised? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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