Matthew: "We have 5 frozen pizzas!"
Me: "How do you know that?" was my response.
Matthew: "I looked."
I stood there for a second scratching my head...thinking...I was in the backyard working when he came home from school...he has been home 10 minutes, how does he know how many pizzas we have??? The three Red Barons that Greg and Matthew bought on sale at the local grocery store were in the house but the two (good) Screamin' Sicilians, were in the garage. I deduced that my growing boy had already scouted out the pantry and both refrigerators once he spotted the empty grocery bags in the garage.
The kids love when I go Commissary shopping. I only go once a month...I rarely buy frozen pizza (maybe once a year and this would be my once...and only because Greg had purchased the Red Barons, that...well, let's be honest, aren't that great) These past few years, on the days the kids buy lunch at school, they come home and eat everything in copious amounts...why? Because the First Lady's implementation of controlled "healthy" food and portions means if my kids ate...they didn't get enough and if they didn't eat the unsalted and unseasoned food...their stomachs are empty. The other day Matthew bought lunch without checking the menu first...he traded his cod nuggets for someone's peanut butter and jelly.
In the past (before it was uncool for mom to have lunch with the kids, I would watch as all those greens and sweet potatoes went straight from the tray and into the trash. Schools would save a lot of waste if they seasoned the food with some salt...and most importantly, they would save teachers from hungry grumpy kids who didn't eat the school lunch.
My kids have finally started taking their lunch. It took them awhile to figure out they could eat more healthy and not be hungry if they brought their own food...Yay!
At the moment, Matthew and Hannah are growing. I am amazed at how much they can eat. It reminds me of the scene in The Breakfast Club when Emilo Estevez' character pulls out his lunch to eat, he just kept pulling more food out of his brown bag.
On hockey/skating nights...the kids come home famished and are not interested in the fruit and yogurt that Greg and I are shoving in front of those frozen pizzas I abhor for lack of taste and too much preservatives...are a life saver.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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