Okay, so you all know I am obsessed with Downton Abbey. I was not content to wait on it airing here in the US so I ordered it early from Amazon.UK Color me happy when my parcel was "dispatched" to the US. Now, we all know how based on your purchases Amazon will recommend more things you might be interested in...the book The Ladies' Paradise by Emile Zola and the mini-series based on the book The Paradise were recommended along with Call the Midwife. I have been watching Call the Midwife but I was intrigued by The Paradise since I had just read about Emile Zola in a non-fiction book I was reading by Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone. I bit. I ordered it. LOVED it. Now it appears, it will be shown here in the US next year, yay!!! http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/bbc-worldwide-masterpiece-producing-victorian-377324
Just a little funny note to my ordering from the UK. I discovered the discs do not work on my DVD player so I had to use the computer. I also discovered that you have to change the region on your computer. AND I discovered, you can only change the region 5 times. My computer is staying on the UK region since it has been changed 3 times.(Just a blonde rant: Don't you think in this day and age of computers linking international businesses you should just be able to change your region at will???)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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