Our cat is addicted to the wheat grass I used for my Autumnal decorations. She attacks it when the grass is doing absolutely nothing and leaps into the hair if H shakes it about...I made a comment that H had her own Lion act. Next up, H trains cat to jump through a hoop made of glow sticks to get to the grass. She even pulled out the treat bag for this feat. Before you can say Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey, H has organized a circus performance complete with tickets, program, and treat bags. H and M both wore capes. M performed jokes and card tricks, H danced and Bree did her lion imitation...Poor Bree, H even put her in a cage (her kennel). Chaos abounds.
IMG 0854[1] from Susan Bice on Vimeo.
NOT a good video (used iPhone) and I probably should have found a better place to record (like from the second floor!)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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