M is so proud. He won First Place in his Cub Scouts Popcorn Sales for his den and Third Place for his Pack...Now, I have to confess if I had taken M out every time he asked me to, he would have sold 100 times more popcorn. This is what happens when you have an old parent, the parent's enthusiasm is seriously diminished...Poor Little Guy.
Here are some pictures of his loot from his Pack Meeting the other night, not pictured are his earlier prizes (a bow and arrow and some rifle that he picked out with his gift card to this really cool toy store here) Oh! I should put some pictures up from the Toy Store! It was amazing! AND they had this rock tumbler that M wants for Christmas (Which of course, I forgot about until just now...I ordered presents online yesterday, shoot!) Back to the rock tumbler, I had one just like it when I was a kid. My dad got it for all of us kids one Christmas...I think he enjoyed it more than we did, he was always polishing rocks and living in the desert, there were plenty of rocks to polish. ...Back to M...NOW I will post the pics. (Have you noticed how quickly I get distracted and take off on different subjects?)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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