My kids say the funniest things...except I rarely remember what they said because I am usually driving...and by the time I get home. I know they said something hilarious but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was...BUT I found a scrap piece of paper yesterday (dated March 12, 2009) and here is the discussion that took place while I was trying to scrape something off of M's throat...when I realized it was a mole (yeah, my eyesight isn't too good either)
M: "Yeah, it's cuz the Angel kissed me. I felt him when I was sleeping. How do angels get in the house? Maybe they can go through wall because they're invisible."
Later, I'll try and remember to dig my phone out of my purse for M's theological discussion on the Fall of Man and tornadoes.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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