Back to school time...3 weeks from tomorrow, but really, who is counting?
I love this time of the year...new pencils, new folders, new crayons, new clothes...I adore perusing the Back to School supplies...the lunch boxes, water bottles...scissors, crayons, pens, and the pretty colored highlighters. Notebook paper is a sight to behold. It all just makes me giddy! There is something about the expectation and magic of the new school year...wearing clothes that are too warm for the eternal blaze of summer that is outside but pretending plaids and sweaters are acceptable to wear since school is in the fall and fall is cool...logic flies out the window.
I am out of school and I still am fascinated with Back to School supplies...but now I am even more enamored of the season since I will be returning my bored fighting children to a routine that will leave me with a slight degree of sanity for at least 3 1/2 hours Monday through Friday...just 21 more days...21 more days...21 more days...
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