I have been tagged by my daughter to write ten things about me. Hmmm. I don't think I can...I have been around the earth for a really long time so one would think that I could sit down and bang out ten things. Simple. But not.
Everyone knows I am a tea snob so I don't know if I can count that as number one. Everyone knows I like flowers. How about if I add that I like to have purple flowers because purple looks good with everything? Can that count as two things if everyone knows? I think I like flowers because they remind me of my grandma and my dad...One of my first memories is stealing a flower off my grandma's honeysuckle vine to see if it really tasted like honey.
I like color. Color makes me happy. I find blue with hints of green very soothing.
My favorite movies are the classic old black and white from the late 30s and 40s. I find it hard these days to find something I really want to see at the movies.
I have a really sensitive nose. I probably should have pursued a career in the perfume field. I like soft scents and I love how scents like music can bring back special memories.
I have never had a flair for fashion. I am always astounded when I see what great fashion sense my oldest daughter has, she didn't get it from me.
I love to laugh. I think that is what is so great about children, they keep you laughing.
I have too many photographs and slides. (But really can you have too many pictures of people you love?) I just know I am running out of places to store photo albums and they aren't organized like they used to be since I am putting them all over the house, any place I find room. Some are in the office cabinets, some are in the entertainment center, some at the top of my craft closet, some in the bookshelf where I keep my dad's books...there has to be a better way!
My high school friends are amazed by my memory...however, let's not ask what I did for lunch two hours ago because I probably won't remember.
I am not very creative but I can copy something or use a pattern.
I have a tendency to buy things I really like in pairs. I usually end up with two sweaters in two different colors or two blouses in two different colors. I can't seem to break the habit.
I love to learn. I could be a professional student. The more I learn, the more I learn about what I still need to learn.
I have lost count on what I have written but my son keeps hitting my arm to read the newspaper with him.
Oh, and I am supposed to tag people...all I can come up with is Renee and Dee Dee...consider yourselves tagged!