I forgot to mention the happenings around the house in my previous post...here goes:
Matthew had hockey weekends in Atlanta and Chicago, along with Hockey Camp in Nashville on Tuesday and Thursday nights.. He is in Chattanooga today for Lacrosse and Nashville later today for hockey. Lauren applied and interviewed for a job in Chicago, she will hear back next week on whether she will be moving. Hannah is focusing on school (I hope) and untangling her love life. I am praying she will put romance on hold for a year or two and focus on school. I had surgery on my left knee, Greg goes on travel on Monday.
You know, when I look at this, I can't believe this is my life. I am a homebody. God definitely has a sense of humor and is stretching me in ways I have never imagined. I hope I survive this season of life with my sense of humor in tact and His light in my heart.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago