Today was like every other Wednesday, get the kids off to school, come home get ready for Bible Study, make a cup of tea to drink while driving to Bible Study...went to grab my stuff and head out the door and discovered a missed call...from Matthew's School...from the Assistant Principal...Matthew had an accident at PE, he was with the nurse, he'll be fine, but ummm, he needs to see a doctor. Wednesday took a detour from the usual Wednesdays...
I collected Matthew from the Nurse, headed to the ER since our Family Practice doesn't handle staples. (I called the doctor on my way to collect the patient. Am I one cool collected mom or what? Yeah, that's just cuz I hadn't seen any blood...yet.)
Fortunately, there wasn't a soul in the Waiting Area so we were in and out in a few hours. It would have been less but the NP put a gel to numb Matthew's injury for 30 minutes before she stapled the wound.
This is M's third time at the ER for a head wound...I told him he is averaging 3 1/2 years between head wounds, it's okay to make this the last trip for stitches/staples.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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