Off center. The world just can't be off center for me...or light fixtures. I just came from the house and sigh...realized the light for the breakfast area is too close to the kitchen. There is no way to center the table under that thing...well I could if I don't put any chairs at the breakfast bar and obstruct the walkway between kitchen and breakfast area. I called the builder, he wasn't happy. His response "Well, I could...I'd have to get the sheet rock guys, the painters, the electrician..." Miss Nice Person doesn't want to cause trouble, the realist in me KNOWS I will never be happy with an off center light no matter how pretty the fixture it is. I'm feeling a bit deflated from the high of seeing the landscapers working, the heating/cooling system going in, the painters, the plumber, and the electrician...
It seems silly to stress about a lighting fixture being poorly placed between two eating areas when so many in the world are starving...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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