I snapped this picture on our last day at the house. I will miss this porch. Every morning before school I would go out and wave goodbye to the kids while their bus drove by our house. I will miss sitting on the porch and handing out candy on Halloween...putting the snowflake lights up for Christmas...planting pretty pots for the porch....I will miss taking a picture of the kids by the porch and watching them get bigger and bigger each year. I will miss watching the dogwood by the window bloom and willing my Japanese Maple to grow taller after a deep freeze caused us to cut the damaged top off...I will miss my phlox popping up and the irises with their sweet smell...I will especially miss the scent of my gardenias...I tried planting scented flowers by the front and the back porch. The back porch had the best scent with the lilies and David Austen Munstead Wood roses...Roo keeps telling me I can have more at our new house but I have to confess the heat and humidity of Summer has sapped most of my gardening joy...Perhaps a smaller lot will rejuvenate my joy...I do know there will be a hydrangea or two, a few azaleas, at least one gardenia, a dogwood, OH, and my Yoshino Cherry tree and Redbud Tree must be repeated... but at this point, they will be planted by the landscaping company subcontracted by the Builder.
I digress, I will miss this porch, it has provided some sweet memories and has been good to us. Very very good.
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