Time is moving faster than I can keep up...let me update and hopefully, at some point, expound upon the Kanga and 3 Joeys ongoings...
Before I forget, Hannah passed her pre preliminary test in skating...a big deal in the skating world. She passed on her first try! There were a few attempting a second and third time and did not pass. I was told to treat her score sheets like gold since she would have to repeat the tests ($100 for each test) I won't mention the test papers on the computer desk with a whole lot of other stuff. I am packing and still trying to figure out where to put them so they don't get lost in the chaos. I need a safe.
And before I forget, Matthew was asked to join the State Honor Choir. He will sing in Birmingham in October. This is so funny! He wanted to join the School's Choir last Fall and then after a few practices, he wanted to quit...a little interrogation and I discovered the reason, too many girls, not enough boys, and he was being teased. I told him he made a commitment and had to stick to it. So now he is a proud little lamb at being asked to be in the State Honor Choir. He didn't mention the girls or teasing. I am trying so hard to teach him to do what he enjoys and not let what other people say bother him. (There is a boy in hockey who gives him a really hard time about figure skating...the thing is he loves skating and it really helps him with hockey. The kids was just born to be on ice...I think he is part penguin)
Let's see, yesterday, Hannah graduated from 6th grade, made the Honor Roll and won the Einstein award. Matthew won two awards, one from his class for being a Social Studies Super Star and one from the teacher for highest Social Studies average. (I am so excited he has my love for American History) And Hannah? That girl is way smarter than me, she got her dad's intelligence. Oh! And Hannah's art was selected for a school wide display for our City. I need to attach some pictures here. Note the doily...details! I have to admit I didn't notice the doily until Roo pointed it out...Exquisite.
Hannah got her haircut last night and was amazed at all the hair on the floor...and it's still long!
Let's see the house...all I can say is our house closes on the 19th of June. I am trying to pack boxes in between extracurricular and school events. I have packed a lot but it doesn't look like much is missing...we have too much stuff...and I have weeded out so much!!!! More to do, I am all about simplifying our lives these days.
Speaking of the house, I am going to miss one thing...Matthew's foot steps flying up the stairs after school. I am usually upstairs when he gets home and he dashes up the stairs to see me. I love the sound of his steps on the stairs. It's like when he was crawling back in VA, his little slapping sounds on the wood floor was so sweet. They grow up too fast.
One of these days I will mention to H to cut her hair short and donate it to locks of love, I can never remember before it is all on the floor...and I am not sure she would sign off on really short hair. However, she has a HUGE heart and I am sure she would do it.
The kids were told to be goofy for this picture...Not sure what H is doing...Roo said "Peace sign" a friend said "Gang sign." I don't know I am oblivious to today's culture. I live in the past.
I will write more later when I am taking a packing break...right now I just remembered some Christmas garland to go pitch out. It's trash day and I have to get rid of it before my pack rats see it and retrieve it.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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