Monday brought storms...the kids were released from school early and we took in our friends Foreign Exchange Student since they were out of town.
The kids were quite nervous about the storms given this was occurring one day after the anniversary of the horrendous storms three years ago...and they have been terrified of storms since the terrible storms three years ago. Strangely enough, the tornado that did hit a few miles west of us took about the same path as three years ago and another tornado about a year and a half ago. Some of the victims from three years ago had just moved back in their house after rebuilding/repairing the previous damage...and here we are again. The area got its third tornado in three years. Alfa Insurance canceled the policies of homeowners after the tornado of 2011. Our State Farm Friend was out helping them to get insurance in 2011. We haven't seen him in a few years so I don't know if State Farm kept the homeowners after Tornado number 2...and now with a third one...I am not sure if the homeowners will ever have insurance at this point. I am guessing that selling their home would be impossible. (This area also was hit in the 80s or 90s, the Anderson Hills subdivision must sit in just the wrong spot for tornadoes.)
Thankfully, after 9 pm, the rest of the evening for us was quiet. Yesterday, we got another storm, full of wind, lightning, and rain. No tornadoes as predicted. Praise God.
Now, about the house...the owners of the house which agreed to sell over the weekend are having second thoughts. They hadn't actually signed the contract, just a verbal agreement with our Realtor. So...I told Greg, we have a tent...we can go live under I565 with all the other homeless people.
The Realtor was out all day showing the home owners properties but I don't think anything sparked the owner's interest. Stay tuned...this is going to be interesting...Will the Bices find a single story dwelling or live under an overpass?
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago