The South is having a real Winter this year. We missed the wallop Birmingham and Atlanta got on the last storm but this time, we were blessed with enough snow to do play in. (the last one gave us some powder that swirled about and collected in corners)
School was funny, took forever to cancel the first day, canceled too early for Weds (it was a non-event) and took forever to cancel on Thursday even though it was snowing like crazy. People were out making snowmen in the dark since you have no idea if it will still be there in the morning.
M gets it in his head he was to shovel the drive/sidewalk/porch even though if you just wait an hour, it will melt. I didn't have the heart to tell him he didn't need to shovel. He was very proud of his efforts.
Yesterday, the two were out in the snow at 5:30 am. I had to wait for there to be enough light to get some pictures. H was not in the picture taking mood so I tried sneaking a few from Matthew's bedroom window since I know in a few years she'll ask "Why are there only pictures of Matthew in the snow?" and assume we love him more. Yes, everything is a competition with those two. I finally got a few of her around noon. She warmed up with the sun, I guess.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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