Dear Diary,
I can't believe it is already October. We are in the midst of Nutcracker on Ice Practice for both kids, M has started travel hockey, we are trying to figure out whether to sell the house for a one story house we found a few neighborhoods down the road. I could possibly lose my mind putting the house on the market since my dining room is always filled with hockey and figure skating paraphernalia...
We took our first travel hockey game to Atlanta this past weekend and I am pooped. I am not sure I was created to be in a different hotel room several nights each month. The husband snores...LOUD...the hockey player flees the snorer for my bed and he thrashes about and I have never been good at sleeping anywhere but my bed. A couple parents were tossed from the game because they let the officials know they should probably find another way to make $25 an hour and I discovered I do not fit the hockey mom/pitbull with lipstick stereotype. And then there was the trip home...The Husband discovered some of the other dads took a "shorter route" to Atlanta...not to be outdone, he decided to take the 2 lane mountain road home...however Siri and our Sienna's GPS had a difference of opinion on which roads should be traveled. Needless to say we blazed our own trail home...saw a real live camel, lots of reasons why the South has developed such a negative stereotype and Psychic Readings by The Psycho Sisters. Greg promised he would stick to the Interstate for future travel team outings. I really thought my fear of being bitten in the bum while squatting by the road was going to change from fear to reality on this trip. Thank goodness, my bladder behaved itself and Ft Payne sports a McDonald's. I will have to upload the picture of the Crimson (very fancy) RV pulling a very fancy grill on its own extremely fancy trailer complete with the Houndstooth wheel thingy majiggy and "Roll Tide." I knew we were on the right road home because I am sure all good Georgians would have run that Tailgate Party on wheels out of the state.
The Girls stayed home for Nutcracker Practice and then took a hike. My favorite eldest daughter discovered how out of shape she has become and my favorite middle child could have hiked the trail a few more times from what I hear. The Girls then had their own cooking show in my kitchen and watched a lot of Bunheads (I am so disappointed this show was canceled) H would love some more Seasons of the Show. I have a strong suspicion the Two Favorites found the Halloween candy stash...which is okay, I will just hand out the candy Hannah collects when I run out on Halloween. MUAH!!!!!
One of the figure skating moms took head shots of the kids for the Nutcracker Program and they are so awesome, I will share. A big thank you to Jennifer Lones for her skills!!!
Okay, I think that about catches my 2 readers up to speed! xoxox
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
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