Dear Mom,
I know I don't call you as often as I should so I thought I would fill you in on The Little Darlin's...
This past week:
M has hit H, H has bit M
H and M fed the neighbor's cat, Bubba, their dad's steak...Their dad thought he would take a shower before eating dinner...I decided to let them tell their dad what happened to his dinner.
M has a cold, I woke up last night dreaming that Donald Duck was in bed with me, it was M talking in his sleep.
H has decided she needs a cell phone because her 8 year old girlfriend has one...I said no and the combative teenager in an 8 year old body emerged.
I vacuumed behind the chair in my quiet room and discovered Hershey's kisses wrappers stuffed behind the bookcase and chocolate on the off white carpet.
I vacuumed behind the window treatments in the dining room and found an empty bag of Hershey's kisses and LOTS of wrappers...they got to explain to their older sister what happened to her stash of chocolate.
Have I mentioned my oldest turned 21? I took her out for her first LEGAL margarita and SHE had to drive me home...I had one and a few sips of a second WITH dinner and I was toast.
This morning, I considered selling your grandchildren on eBay but I decided to try the nap thing first, see above picture...however, they woke up and got into the new Windex cleaning kit I bought to do the outside windows...the kit is rendered useless now and my windows aren't clean.
Mom, your grandchildren are going to drive me to drink and I can't hold my liquor...
There is more but I am tired and well, I think I am going to wash my teacup and fill it with wine.
Your daughter.
1 comment:
The steak thing was hilarious! Sounds like you're having an eventful summer!
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