We are now home from the Wonderful Week of Disney. My body and mind have officially turned into a vegetable state. I have parked myself in front of the computer and done not a whole lot of anything. I haven't caught up on correspondence. I took my time uploading pictures from my camera, adding them to my blog and uploading them to Facebook. I have been tearing apart my farm on Farmtown, baking cinnamon rolls in Yo'ville and mostly, spending time playing Sorority Life. My mind is on a mad mission to clear the clutter from my farm, I sold everything and started over...I think it is a reflection on my mental state...too much time in a car with two little kids. I have also been hiring myself out as a Farmhand, to replace the money I spent on buying new stuff to make some experience points. (perhaps a subconscious desire to replace the money I feel guilty for spending on some groovy souvenirs...sweatshirts and tee shirts for the offspring...a source of contention with my spouse...he feels the trip to WDW should suffice, I like a shirt to remember it by...my dad used to always get us a souvenir after our trip to Disneyland or the Zoo was over, the tradition has kind of stuck with me and my spouse is bewildered by my need to do this)
And then there is Sorority Life. I think I have taken my desire to be be the one to get the As to being the one who moves up fast on Sorority Life...no one knows what I am doing but I can't stand not moving up levels fast. I used to always be the first to finish my test in school and I think I have taken this weird obsession to game playing on Facebook. I have two farms and two sorority accounts...I haven't picked up a book since I got home...and my magazines are on the end table unread and poor Inspector Morse is still in the Netflix envelope...unopened.
I would like to attribute my vegetative state to the cloudy, cool, rainy days that I came home to find. I think I had 8 cups of hot tea yesterday while I attacked sisters and organized sorority sisters. I think the root of my laziness...is hmmmm, not sure...
Yes, I think it is time to set a new goal for myself...a game free day on Facebook and reading 100 pages...and maybe cleaning the upstairs bathrooms...or maybe, I will go really crazy and go grocery shopping tomorrow and make a fabulous dinner. But, I swear I can hear the sound of really groovy shoes calling me from Sorority Life...or maybe it is the honking of my cool little convertible...I will clean and shop on Thursday...after all, Thursday is another day and well, Wednesday is tomorrow.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago
1 comment:
Go easy on yourself. You just had a very busy vacation, not a relaxing one. Relax....relax...relax. Are you feeling sleepy now?
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