Six more days until school starts...and this is how we're spending the last few days...kind of like the first few days...with a Wench Fest...today's festivities included adult beverages. What can I say? Today was a really hard day and for the first time in my entire life...I had alcohol at 3 in the afternoon. I drank at the pool. I had a glass container at the pool. I had wine with a screwtop lid...I took a picture...I didn't touch the two glasses of tea I had stashed in my cooler...did I mention I had a really rough day?
Here are some pics of my favorite Wenches and their offspring tend to pop up in a few...oh...and there is me with my offspring...did I mention they go back to school in 6 days 9hours and 6 minutes?
Gotta LOVE the last week of summer before school starts!!!
I am so enjoying this last week of tanning...I will have to say goodbye to my tan soon. :(
Thanks for letting us hang at the pool, fellow wench.
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