The moon has covered the sun and many days have passed since I took these pictures...
The kids were released early from school (the school didn't want the liability of retina damage). It was a lot like celebrating New Year's lots of build up for a wee moment in time...but fun. Although I had to keep chasing two people off the couch to go watch.
Nothing really new in our lives, both kids are busy with hockey practice. Matthew has his first games this weekend. It is perfect timing. It is Greg's birthday. What better way to celebrate than watching M have his first AAA Jr Preds hockey game? I have a coupon for Magiannos dinner for four...I think the weekend is shaping up very nicely. I wonder if we can get a trip into McKays? This would be the Trifecta of life.
It's a girls' night with the boys off to Nashville. I am in pajamas enjoying the remnant rain of Harvey. I am not sure whether to watch my Netflix DVD or read a book. It's such a rarity that I am home on a Wednesday is like a great big present.
I love rain...although if I lived in Houston, I probably would panic at rain cloud in the future. It is odd how all these lives have been completely changed in a matter of days.
As you can see the boyfriend is still in the picture. (Get it? In the picture? Ha! I crack myself up!)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
11 months ago