Monday, May 15, 2017


Today? I am a slave driver. The kids are out of school since a "Weather day" was not used. I am making them weed in the garden. The weeds are atrocious and I can't keep up. I believe I have lost my love for garden here in the South. I know Southerners are famous for their gardens but they grew up in heat and humidity and clay soil. I did not. I grew up in dry California where the weather is dry and whispers to you to come outside and dig in the dirt, to weed, to plant, to enjoy...not here. Fire ants, mosquitoes, humidity, terrible soil, steroid like weeds all incite me to flee inside and read a book with a glass of Front Porch Tea. So...I am making my children do what I don't want to's only fair for all the time I sit in a very cold rink so they can do the thing they It's only right, right?

Girl forgot her shoes...she really looks a redneck, perfect

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